Asseel Collect One Hand Chip!
Asseel, as leading toner cartridge manufacturer in China, always pay much attention to environmental protection
business and win-win cooperation.
Recently, Russell would like to Collect One Hand CF217A/218A/CF230A Chip to use for compatible toner
cartridges. This program not only reduces the waste buried in landfills but also reduces the consumption of natural
resources in the production of our products. Please join this program eagerly in order to protect the environment.
This program not only helps our customers save costs but also support the Environmental protection. Please join
this program eagerly in order to protect the environment.
As for chips, details are as follows:
A.5 dollars each, 100 from the acquisition!
B.Payment can be used to change toner cartridges, 100 chips for 25 cartridges, postage yourselves.
C.A Larger amount, better price.
D.Tips: only the acquisition of first-hand chip, and need to pass our technical testing qualified subject!